Where to find it

Every so often I am looking for something specific that I want to buy.  Most of the time I can shop around and find that same item at a better price and feel good about not getting it where I first found it.There have been a few times though where I have tried to find that item that I am looking for and it is only available in one location.  Only one place offers it.  Forget about finding a better price somewhere else...no one else carries it.Often we try to find things in life outside of where they are actually available.  We look for a "better deal" somewhere else.  We search, we try, we go...but it never seems to quite work the way we want.Jesus said...

I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.John 14:27 (NLT)

If you are looking for peace in life and you can't seem to find it, consider where you are looking.  Jesus told us that He would give us a gift - peace of heart and mind.  And with that promise He reminds us of the only place that it is found: it is from Him.Looking for peace?  Jesus is where you will find it.


Sooner than slower


Make room