Make room

In our office at our house we have a small couch. It's the ideal place for me to spend time in the morning drinking coffee, reading and praying. Most mornings the kids will come running in and want to hang out in there with Amber and I. We love it!Recently, Justus (our 3 year old son) came in to find the couch full. As he looked at everyone on the couch he called out to Amber, "Mommy! There's no room for me!"It remind me of a story we see in Mark 2. Jesus was in Capernaum and the news began to spread that He was in town. Soon there were so many people gathering to see Him that the house was overflowing...there was no more room for anyone...even outside the door.Sounds like a good problem to have! Packed house!The only draw back was there were some people who had a friend that needed in. Their friend needed Jesus to do what only He could do. Their friend couldn't walk, couldn't stand, and definitely could not break through the obstacles that stood in his way in his own ability.He needed his friends to help make room for him.What a great picture for us who are in the church. Even if every seat in our churches are not filled, there are people who are on the "outside" who feel like there is "no room" for them.

They feel like they won't fit in.They feel like they don't have things right.They're not from the right side of town.They don't have the right clothes.They haven't cleaned up enough.They think they won't be accepted or embraced.

We need to make room for them!The four friends went to great lengths to get their friend in the house to meet Jesus. They had to do some lifting. They had to do some climbing. They had to do some construction. I want to be that type of friend to the people around our city and region. I want to be someone who makes room for others.


Where to find it


The Gospel According to Jonah