What has you overwhelmed?

I'm continually learning that people see things differently. Two people can be looking at the exact same object or situation and see two completely different things.Perspective changes everything.Throughout the bible we see glimpses of people who encountered challenges, struggles, obstacles and fights. Many times people were gripped with fear, overwhelmed with the "impossibility" of their situation.Fast forward to today. People are still facing challenges. Even as Christians we come up against obstacles. We try to fight through the valleys of fear and see over the walls of impossibility that stand in front of us. Too many times I have not been able to see past the valleys or the walls.What is getting your FOCUS?What is shaping your PERSPECTIVE?It's natural for our first response to focus on the challenge, the obstacle, the struggle and the fight in front of us. But throughout the bible, God calls His people to not focus on those things. Instead, He consistently reminded His people to focus on Him.Instead of focusing on what he lacked, God told Gideon who he really was.Instead of focusing on how big the walls of Jericho were, they trusted God as they marched.Instead of focusing on what could happen to her if the king was upset, Esther had a perspective that God was able.What is the "impossible" situation in your life today? What has you overwhelmed?Two questions I would ask each of us:1) What does God say about it? Maybe His perspective is different than ours.2) How can I focus on Him instead of focusing on _______________?When we get our eyes on the right thing it has a way of changing everything.


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