Sent With a Purpose

Few things are more exciting than getting a special delivery.  It's exciting when someone shows up on your front door step with something specifically for you that someone took time to send.  Someone was thinking about you.  Someone wanted you to receive something.Jesus said in John 20:21,

"...As the Father sent me, so I am sending you."

Jesus was sent with a purpose.  He delivered something to the world.  He brought hope.  He brought the solution to mankind's sin.  He brought peace, strength, comfort, truth, joy and grace.His message to His disciples: "...As the Father sent me, so I am sending you."  As His disciples we are sent with a purpose.We are His chosen delivery system to bring Him to the world around us.  His hope.  His peace.  His strength.  His comfort.  His truth.  His joy.  His grace.  We are the delivery system to point people to the fact that He is the solution.Living with an awareness that we are sent with a purpose is vital.  Who is waiting for that delivery from you today?  Who needs that hope that only you can deliver as you point them to Jesus?You and I are the delivery system.  Let's take what we have to our world!


What has you overwhelmed?


5 Lies to Reject