Learning From Our Front Window

We recently moved into a rental house after moving to a new city.  We found a home that we absolutely loved.  Perfect location.  Perfect size.  Perfect layout for our family of five.As we were doing the walk through with the landlord, I noticed the condition of the front window.  The seal had been broken and their was moisture between the glass which made it nearly impossible to see clearly through the window.Frustrating.When I asked if that was something that he would be fixing before we moved in his response caught me off guard.  "Nope.  It's too expensive."  I thought to myself, "If that is what people are going to first see when they drive up to my house, I would be fixing it."  But the challenge was there was no money in the budget to fix the window.Many of us, when we hit a road block like that, give up.  We stop.  The answer has been given and their is nothing more we can do about it.But then I had an idea.  Since the house was built in 2005, the windows might still be under warranty.  So I called the company.  I asked the question.  Turns out that not only was the window under warranty, but the labor to replace the window was to.So as I sit and write this, I am looking out a perfectly clear, new window.  All that needed to be done was to ask.I wonder how many things we miss just because we don't ask.I wonder how many solutions God has, but we never find them because we have not taken the time to seek.I wonder if doors could have opened up...if we simply would have knocked.Here is the lesson I learned from my front window: ASK.If there is a need in your life, take it to God and ask.  You need wisdom?  Seek it from Him.  You need some doors to open up?  Start knocking on the door in prayer and watch what God can do!

Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened."Matthew 7:7-8 (NLT)


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