Two Questions

Today I came across two great questions that made me think for a bit, and I thought they would be worth sharing. Here they are:

1. Do you believe that?
2. Do you live like you believe that?

There have been so many times in my life where I know that I “believe” something. I have convictions, I have firm beliefs that are founded on truth. But if those beliefs don’t lead to action, what does that really say about these things that we “believe”?

Think about all of the things we easily say we believe in life. As Christians we embrace that God’s Word is Truth and Life. Most of us would say we “believe” in what they bible calls us to do…do we Believe it? Do we LIVE like we believe it?

Today I was challenged by the thought that there may be areas in my life that even though “I Believe”, I might not always live like I believe. I believe that love should be patient and kind (1 Corinthians 13), but I don’t always live that belief out.

God, help us to be people who LIVE what we BELIEVE.


Are we willing?


iLIVE | Faithful