Are we willing?

Tonight I was praying and reflecting on the fact that God can do the supernatural. He can do what we cannot do. But that doesn’t excuse us from doing what we can and need to do.

God can do the supernatural. Are we willing to do the natural?

There have been many times in my life where I want God to step in and do something totally amazing. Something that only He can do. Yet I know that part of the reason that needed to happen was because I was unwilling to do what I could do. Maybe you have felt that before. It becomes easy for us to pray about God doing amazing things. But what does it say about our faith if we simply pray and don’t get up and act on what it is that we have in our heart.

Yes, God is a supernatural God. He can heal. He can transform lives. He can bring unexpected blessing. He does miracles. He provides signs to draw people to Him.

With all this being true, as God does the supernatural, are we willing to do the natural?

A few years back I led a small group for 6th grade boys. I remember when we would come to a time of prayer and I would ask them what I could pray with them about there was a common answer: “I want God to help me read my bible.” or “I want God to help me pray.” Now I totally understood where they were coming from…I too was once a 6th grade boy in a youth ministry. I get it. But I would always share a simple illustration that I want to share here. I could sit in a room and pray with all my hear and passion “God help me to get up and turn on the light switch on the wall. Lord, I know you can do all things…just please help me to have the passion and drive to get up and flip that light switch on the wall.” I am sure that all of us would think it is crazy to pray that way. But the truth be told, we often do. Most of us, if we want the light switch on or off, we simply get up and turn it on or off. But we also pray about a lot of things that we could simply just get up and do out of a heart of obedience.

Lets be people who are willing to do what we can do, as God is always faithful to do what we cannot.


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Two Questions