iLIVE | Faithful

This past week we started a new series in our student ministry entitled “iLIVE”. It is all about the qualities and characteristics that we should live out as followers of Jesus. In Ephesians 5:15-17 Paul encourages believers with the following:

15 So be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise. 16 Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days. 17 Don’t act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do. (nlt)

We should pay attention to the way that we live life. We kicked it all of with the quality of FAITHFULNESS. This is something that we see a lack of all around us in the world in which we live. What is it to live faithful, in a world where commitment and faithfulness is lacking?

In 2 Timothy 2:22 we are challenged to “pursue faithfulness” (nlt). All throughout scripture we see examples of people who lives lives that expressed faithfulness. Noah, Esther, Nehemiah, and Job all give us great examples of faithfulness: people who lived out commitment and loyality.

In 1 Samuel 24:1-13 we read a story about David and King Saul, and how David exemplified faithfulness through his actions and choices. Even when it would have been convenient, David remained faithful to what God had set before him. David had been on the run for his life, hiding out. Day after day he wondered about in the wilderness with his band of men. And then an opportunity arises…Saul walks by himself into the very cave that David and his men were hiding out in. David had a great opportunity to make life easier for himself. He had a chance to end life on the run. Yet he remained faithful.

Here are a few thoughts about a faithful life:

A faithful life moves beyond difficulties.
Difficult times come and go in life. But faithfulness finds a way to move beyond the hardships.

A faithful life overcomes opposition.
David had a lot stacked against him. There was a lot of opposition from King Saul, who just happened to be his father-in-law as well. Imagine how awkward holidays must have been! Yet through it all, David remained faithful.

A faithful life remains selfless.
To live faithful requires an attitude that will set its own needs and desires aside in order to remain faithful.

A faithful life pursues integrity and honesty.
If no one would ever find out, would we remain faithful? To live a life of faithfulness, we must be people who are on a pursuit of integrity and honesty.

A faithful life finishes what it starts.
We need to be people who finish. You can talk about faithfulness, but if you don’t carry it through to completion, it is just words.

I believe that we are called to stand out in our generation. In a world where faithfulness and commitment mean nothing, what is it to live faithful? Lets be people who live faithful!


Two Questions


Valuable Friendships