Top it off

I drive a 1987 Jeep Cherokee.  I kind of like it.Even though the tint on the windows is beginning to turn purple and the gas mileage isn't great, it's all mine!  It has been a faithful car.A while back it wasn't running well.  It began to overheat...often.  I tried adding a little water to the cooling system and it would work great for a few days.  Then, before too long, it would begin to overheat again.The issue was that there had been a slow leak in the cooling system.  Slowly, over time it had lost coolant and the result was my beloved Jeep wouldn't function like it was intended to.  It would shut down without notice.  It would rattle and shake.  It wasn't being everything I thought it should be.The problem was simple: there was a leak.You and I have a similar issue in life.  We are always leaking.  Stressful day - we leak.  Frustrated about a circumstance - we leak.  Things don't go as we envisioned - we leak.  Live life for any amount of time, and you will leak.If we allow life to go on like that too long we hit issues.  Life doesn't function like we want it to.  Our faith doesn't seem to fire on all cylinders.  Something is wrong...something is missing.The solution is really simple.  Top it off...fill up!I heard someone say once, "I know you are filled with the Spirit, but you are leaking out everyday."What they meant was this: We need to go back to the Word, prayer and time with God often, because we need to be filled.Life has a way of draining things out of us.  We leak.  But God has given us the solution to live a life that is consistently filled up!Take some time today to top it off and fill up your life.Maybe you feel dry, discouraged or defeated.  It's time to fill up!Things feel great and better than ever?  Life leaks...fill it up!


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