What needs to GO?

A few years back Amber and I were at her parents during Christmas time.  One night we were watching TV and a show came on that completely disturbed me and completely drew me in at the same time.  It was the show "Hoarders".  As luck would have it, it was a marathon that night.  Lucky me!I watched in wonder and in pain as peoples lives were documented with their inability to let things go.  Decades of collecting.  Years of stacking, packing and trashing their homes and lives.  It was hard to watch people who were held so tightly by the things they had collected in life.They were trapped by things that need to GO.Having time and margin in our lives to think is vital.  When we neglect it, we can quickly settle in to our routines and rhythms in life without even realizing that things may need to change and adjust.Each one of us have potential to GROW in life.  But most often what keeps us from the ability to GROW is that we are unwilling to let other things GO.We all have things that we like...things that we hold onto.They bring comfort.They bring a sense of safety.If we are not careful though, the very things that we hold so tightly to may be the very things that are keeping us from the growth that we desire in our lives.  We may have a passion and desire to develop the areas that still need to grow, but we must be willing to weed out the areas that need to go.Want to grow in confidence?  Fear of people has to go.Want to grow in your relationship?  Apathy and complacency has to go.Want to grow in wisdom?  Pride and being unteachable has to go.Get a picture of what needs to GROW in your life and be willing to let the things that will hold that back GO.


What vs. How: The Power of Perspective


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