Intentional Reconciliation

This past weekend at Life Center we leaned in to a conversation about Intentional Reconciliation. We talked through the idea that Jesus invites us not to ask, "Who is my neighbor?" but rather, "Who can I be a neighbor to?"

Your neighbor that you are called to love and serve, according to Jesus, isn't based on similarity or proximity. He redefines it as opportunity. With the pain and destruction that has come from the sin of racism, it is vital that followers of Jesus understand that every human is created in the image of God (see Genesis 1:27), and since they are image bearers -- valued in His sight -- we are called to love all people as neighbors.

One key thought that I loved from this discussion: "Different doesn't have to be division."

"Different doesn't have to be division."

- Pastor Barbara Kelley

Here is the video of Intentional Reconciliation.

It was powerful to take time, listen to friends stories, hear what scripture has to say to us and celebrate communion together as we prayed for repentance and reconciliation.

"We might not get to the destination overnight -- but we can change the direction right now."

Eric Boles


One Year: Reflections & Lessons Learned


A Healthy Mindset