One Year: Reflections & Lessons Learned

The other day, Amber and I turned the page of one year as Senior Pastors of Life Center. Here are a few reflections and lessons learned over these past twelve months.

It is Jesus church. Period.

God sees what we don't see and knows what we don't know - both He and His plans can be trusted.

Change is never easy, convenient or comfortable.

Be comfortable with who you are. As a mentor once told me, "The anointing is on the real you."

The Body of Christ is beautifully resilient.

There are moments where you are misunderstood and there are moments where you are encouraged and blessed. Both can become places of growth.

Culture matters...a lot.

Pace yourself - you are playing the long game.

Healing and health take time.

How you build it is how you have to sustain it.

Steward well what is entrusted to your care - because it doesn't belong to you.

There are more for you than against you.

Things look different depending on the seat you are sitting in.

Expect the best.

Decision fatigue can become a real thing.

You can't do this thing alone.

The faith and faithfulness of the people of Life Center and all of its locations is truly remarkable.

Keep reading, growing, learning, and asking questions.

Every day, take time to "fill up".

We all have blind spots. Find some trusted people who will help you discover them and make you better.

Silence the noise.

The Gospel works best when we let the Gospel do its work!

Jesus is still in the business of changing and transforming lives.

Love the people that God has entrusted to your care.

Want more FOR people than FROM people. (team, volunteers, etc.)

Sabbath matters. You wont have a good perspective about rest without the right perspective of work.

My first ministry will always be my family.

I'm not yet who I will be someday by God's grace.

The decisions that you make in leadership create ripple effects, even if you cant see them or you deny their reality.

Can you believe that we GET to do this?!


Jesus is faithful.

To the people of Life Center, thank you. Thank you for the honor of being your pastor. I hold that sacred trust carefully. As we prepare to enter a new year and a new decade, I can't wait to journey together into all that Jesus has in store for us.

We don't just go to church, we are the church.

Let's make it our passion to KNOW JESUS AND MAKE HIM KNOWN.


21 Days of Prayer and Fasting


Intentional Reconciliation