Fresh Perspective

Every now and then you read something you have read before, but it comes across to you in a new light. I love when that happens when I am reading my bible. Tonight I was reading in Psalms 37 and came to verse 23 and I had to pause and think. Here is what it says in the NLT:
“The steps of the godly are directed by the Lord. He delights in every detail of their lives.”
Did you catch that? God is interested in the details of our lives. To think that the God we serve, the One who spoke everything into existance cares about the details of my life is an awesome thought.
I think all too often we only approach God with the “big” things or the “spiritual” things in our lives. But He takes notice of and cares about so much more!
Maybe this will help us to have some new perspective as we are going through our days. Maybe with the understanding that He does know and care about what we are going through…and the details of it will shift the way we approach prayer.
I love getting some fresh perspective!


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