Mile Markers

Mile markers are important. They tell us about the journey: how far we have traveled, how much longer we have to go…they tell us about our progress.
A few weeks back, Amber and I took Judah and Justus camping for a few days in Eastern Washington. On our way back there was a significant mile marker for our car - the odometer rolled from 99,999 to 100,000 (it’s a Honda)! It was fun to be aware and able to capture the moment of transition on my camera phone.
Markers are important in our lives. They tell us and show us how far we have come. They also let us know how much farther we have to travel. But if we are not careful, we can easily miss them. If I had not been paying attention to the dash board I could have missed a significant mile marker in the life of our car…not that it is really THAT important. But think about how many markers that you maybe have gone past without even pausing and thinking about what they communicate to you.
Have you made more progress than you realize? Are you not as far “down the road” as you wish you were? Enjoy the journey, but check in the the mile markers every now and then and rejoice where God is taking you. Don’t just fly down the road and miss those significant moments.


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