Make Room

We just wrapped up a series in our student ministry entitled: Make Room. It was a challenge and reminder to be people who are willing to Make Room in our lives - in us, for others and for God. All to often in life, we are unable or unwilling to make room in our own lives to grow and develop into who God wants us to be. Pastor Josh preached an amazing message about Make Room in me (check it out on podcast @
The next message in the series was about making room for others. It can become easy to get in the routine of being comfortable with just having your needs met. A true reflection of our faith is when we are willing to make room for others to encounter and experience the same love and freedom that we have found in Christ. I am so glad that people made room for me to come to know the love and hope of Jesus…are we doing the same?
The final week we launched into some new things for our student ministry as we talked about making room for Him in our lives. Sometimes our perceptions keep us from making room. Sometimes we don’t recognize what God has already done for us. We need to make room in our lives for God to be God.
Are we so crowded that this rarely happens? I think that can easily happen. This week strive to make some room in your life. Make room to grow and develop who you are. Make room for others - reach out, love and take time. Make room for God to be God in your life, understanding all that He has already done for you!


Fresh Perspective


Family Vacation