iLIVE | to reach out

I believe that reaching out shouldnt be something we just do, but rather I believe it is something that we should be.

All too often we view reaching out as an event…something that we do. It needs to move beyond something we do, and saturate every part of who we are as Christians. I think a great example of reaching out is seen in the story of the Good Samaritan, found in Luke 10:30-37. He had every reason to not help, not reach out, and not be inconvenienced. But he does the unexpected. And I believe Jesus, through this story, is teaching us that in order to act with a helping hand when the opportunities arise, it has to be a part of who we are. It cant be limited to an event.

If our view of “reaching out” is limited to an event, I think we face some dangers:
1. We miss developing the heart behind it
2. We miss great opportunities
3. We can choose to turn it on or off
4. We can assume the responsibility is not ours
5. We fail to use all that God has made us to be

I am challenged to BE. I don’t want to settle to reach out just when an event, missions trip or something else comes up to them reach out a helping, loving hand. I want it to be so much a part of me, that I don’t miss the opportunities that are right in front of me every single day. I love events, missions trips, etc…absolutely love it! But if our ability to reach out is dependent on that, we are missing it. Let it BE a part of who you ARE.


The Church...something I am thankful for


Are we willing?