Why I'm Looking Forward to NW Summit 2014

NWSummit Blog

One of the highlights of my year is always our NW Youth Pastors & Leaders Summit. There is something about being in an environment where people are coming together to learn, grow and have fun!Here are a few specific reasons that I'm looking forward to NW Summit this year:1. LaughingOne thing I love doing each year is seeing friends, catching up and laughing together.2. Our times of worshipAs youth pastors and leaders we are usually the ones making sure everything is running good in our services. The truth is that we are often guilty of not having sometimes of our own to simply worship and be with Jesus. We have built in some specific time at Summit for you to worship and be refreshed.3. Our speakersI'm VERY excited about our guests this year. All of them are friends of mine and all of them have a message that youth pastors and youth leaders need to hear. You will be encouraged, challenged, inspired and stretched. Heath, David, Adam and Jude are all incredible leaders who will make a great investment into your life at Summit.4. YakimaIt's the truth. If it wasn't for Yakima, I wouldn't have met my wife...Stone ChurchMiners Burgers (where you can get a 40 oz milkshake)El PortonChris Cooper (my British friend who is REALLY into theology)Yakima is the best!5. TrainingWe are going to have some great training for youth pastors and youth leaders. We have a bunch of interactive sessions with tracks for youth pastors and youth leaders lead by some great voices in the area of youth ministry and leadership!6. The SEAHAWKS!!!They won the super bowl. I know it doesn't exactly connect with NW Summit, but I like to think it does.7. Space to get clarity, dream big and take actionNW Youth Pastors & Leaders Summit is all about taking time to think, pray and listen. Maybe there are somethings that God wants to innovate in your life or in your ministry. I want to hear from you. What are YOUR favorite parts of NW Summit? Share them in the comment section below. [youtube height="HEIGHT" width="WIDTH"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFNw3K-N5YY&feature=youtu.be[/youtube]


The Order is Important (part one)


What I'm taking with me into 2014