What I'm taking with me into 2014


It's New Year's Eve.That means that people are busy setting goals, purchasing gym memberships and thinking about what the next year will have in store for them. I'm a big believer in having some goals. Having vision and a target to aim at with life keeps us moving forward.[quote align="center" color="#999999"][divider]Having vision and a target to aim at with life keeps us moving forward.[divider][/quote]This year, however, instead of setting some new goals, I am focused on bringing a few important things with me. They are already a part of my life. There is nothing really NEW here, but they are areas that I want to grow in and be more defined in my life.Some are areas of strength.Some need improvement.All of them need intentionality because all of them are tied to my personal mission.Here are 7 things I'm taking with me into 2014:1. Christ-centeredBefore you write that off as cliche, consider the implications. Jesus isn't just a part of my life. He doesn't just get invited into parts of it - He is what all of my life is built upon. My dreams, goals, family, decisions and desires. The Gospel (the good news of what He has done for me) isn't just a message that I share with others - it is something that I believe daily and live daily for myself.[quote align="center" color="#999999"][divider]The Gospel is something that I believe daily and live daily for myself.[divider][/quote]2. GenerosityI want to live as a giver. I want to be generous with my money, my time, and my love. If I could sum up the way God has loved me it would be generous. I want my life to reflect that more and more each day.3. IntegrityI want every area of my life to line up. My desire is that my words, actions and attitudes would both publicly and privately be in agreement.4. HealthI want to steward the life that has been given to me. I want to be healthy. In my body (being type 1 diabetic makes this extra important to me). In my relationships. In my attitudes and emotions.5. CreativityI want to continue to dream and create. This keeps things fresh. It prevents settling for the status-quo.6. GrowthI want to be a life long learner. Not only do I have a desire to grow, I love helping others to do the same. Reading books, spending time with leaders, writing, going back to school are all things that will help me move forward in the area of growth.[quote align="center" color="#999999"][divider]I want to be a life long learner.[divider][/quote]7. Bring life-giving changeI love seeing people move forward. I love that the Gospel still is the power of God for salvation! I want to continue to play a part in bringing life-giving change to others. Wether that comes through preaching, spending time over a cup of coffee or through writing, I want to be faithful to bring the hope of Jesus to others. I'm bringing these 7 things with me into 2014 because they are a part of my personal mission that I have been working on and crafting this past year. Each of these values are things that I believe God wants me to steward.[divider]"To live a courageous Christ-centered life of generosity, integrity and health that fosters creativity, growth and life-giving change."[divider] What about you? What are the things that you plan on bringing with you into the New Year?


Why I'm Looking Forward to NW Summit 2014


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