Whose steps are you walking in?

When I was a little kid I remember going to the beach with my family. One of the things I still remember to this day is seeing my dad’s steps in the sand and trying to walk in those same steps. His feet seemed so big and his strides seemed so long…but it was a fun challenge to try and keep up and follow the pattern that he was putting in the sand before me.

Each of us need someone to follow after in life. I am so thankful for mentors in my life (some I have deep relationship with and others I have never met in person). They are people who I have observed how they walk and I see the steps they take and I try to learn from them and follow the godly pattern they lay down with how they live their life and how they carry themselves in ministry.

The truth is that many of us don’t have mentors. Some of us have them and don’t even realize it. What I mean is this: sometimes we see people and follow the pattern they lay down…not even realizing that it is influencing the way we live.

Here are a few thoughts on steps worth following:

1. Find someone going in the direction you want to go in
Keeping the end in mind, who is going somewhere that you want to go in life? Find a godly example and allow them to sharpen your life.

2. Find someone who is further ahead than you
A mentor is someone who has something to add out of their experience. Find someone who is further down the road in life than where you are at. Be TEACHABLE. LISTEN. ASK QUESTIONS.

3. Find someone who can stretch you
If you can already keep up, you probably wont be challenged. Mentors are people who will make you better, not just keep you comfortable. Some of the greatest defining moments in my life have come when a mentor has stretched me when I wasn’t looking to be stretched.

4. Find someone who lives it
Don’t just follow someone who can talk it. Follow someone who can live it out!

As a kid, I tried to keep in pace with my dad. I still am doing that today. He is someone who has exemplified these qualities time and time again. As I have watched his life - his steps - it has challenged, encouraged and inspired me to live life in a way that would bring glory to Jesus.

Whose steps are you walking in?


Doing the Work


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