4 Reasons to Grow

Here are a few thoughts on why we should continue to strive for growth in our lives:

1. Mediocrity is not a valued ability
No matter how much we might enjoy just relaxing and kicking back, mediocrity is not in high demand. No one, when they are young and dreaming of their future, wishes that someday they will live a life that is average or mediocre.

2. Growing keeps you dreaming and thinking
If you have a vision for growth in your life, you take time to think, pray and dream about where you are going and what you are doing. Determine to be a life long learner. If you do, you will be a life long grower.

3. None of us have arrived
No matter what area of growth it is (leadership, faith, discipline, knowledge, kindness, clapping on beat, etc.) none of us have arrived and already know everything there is to know. We are all still in process…and that process wont be done until we are done (i.e. dead).

4. You don’t want to stay where you are
The truth is to stay where we are is often comfortable, but it is not always the best for us. When I was young and growing I would get “growing pains” in my knees. It wasn’t fun. In fact, there were times that I would have rather just stayed the height that I was at, instead of having to deal with the pain associated with growth. But I would not have been okay with not living up to my full stature, just because I wanted to stay where I was out of comfort. Don’t allow this to happen in your life as it relates to growing. You don’t want to stay the same “stature” that you are at today for the rest of your life.

Press forward and grow!


Whose steps are you walking in?

