We need both

We often fall into the trap of “either/or” in life.

We are either really compassionate OR a strong leader.

We are either gifted and skilled OR we have a great heart.

Allowing yourself to live in an “either/or” perspective in life and leadership can be dangerous.  I think more often we need to challenge ourselves to have both in play.  Maybe it’s not the things listed above, but my guess is we all have areas that we see in our lives as strengths and others that we have written off as something that we will never be.

It is good to know where you are strong.  It is vital to understand what God has gifted you in so that you are able to surround yourself with people who have strengths in areas that you are not strong in.

At the same time we can’t settle.

We can’t allow ourselves to leave areas undeveloped in our lives that MUST be developed.

Psalm 78:72
“He [David] cared for them with a true heart
and lead them with skillful hands.”

David had BOTH in play in his life.  Often we are guilty of just focusing either on the heart OR on the skill.  We need both.

You can have all the skill in the world, but if you don’t have a true heart people will see it in how we lead.

You can have a wonderful heart, but if you don’t develop your skills, your ability to lead and influence people with that wonderful heart will be limited.

Develop your HEART and your SKILL.

We need both.


What I've been reading
