I just got home from a 5 day missions trip with 25 students to Marblemount, WA, a small community in the North Cascades of Washington state. Often when I have thought of missions in the past I think of distant countries, planes, dirt roads and different languages. I believe wholeheartedly in foreign missions! My sister (Tasha) and brother-in-law (Doug) are missionaries to Swaziland in southern Africa. I have gone to southern Mexico to build schools for LACC (Latin American Child Care). I believe in missions around the world - but the mission is also across the street.

Something I recently challenged our student ministry with is the thought that The Mission (Matt. 28:18-20, 2 Peter 2:9) is wherever God’s people are. Weather we are at school, in our neighborhood, in a foreign country, or at work - The Mission exists there. What is The Mission? That “NONE would perish”.

Our week in Marblemount was eye opening for many. The fact that we can jump on a plane or drive a few hours…The Mission will exist there.

My prayer is that each of us would gain greater understanding that we are God’s hands in accomplishing His Mission. Weather we are walking across the street or we are going around the world - The Mission is there!


Taking Risk


Sunshine...only not on the weekend