Taking Risk

When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.”
Luke 5:4

I will be honest. Taking risks is not a huge part of my life. I tend to think things through - maybe to a fault. I guess there are a few exceptions to this: I love rock climbing, skiing backcountry, driving a scooter - yeah, a HUGE RISK!, etc. But often in life I have avoided taking risks. I want to play it safe, stay with what is comfortable, keep to what is known.

The truth is that in living our lives this way, it is hard to gain new ground. I believe with all my heart that part of our faith, as Christians, has to involve taking risks. In reflecting on this I have been thinking through Luke 5, where Jesus approaches the disciples and tells them to push out into deeper water and let down their nets.

Often I think we are more comfortable on or near the dock, so to speak. We like the comfort of being able to see the shore near us. But there are times where we must learn to be obedient to the voice of the Holy Spirit and be willing to risk as he calls us to head out into new waters. The old quote “Nothing ventured, nothing gained” is true. Often we want God to do the miraculous for us, then we will be willing to risk. But when we combine our faith with obedience to when He calls us to risk - we will see gain!

This is an area that the Holy Spirit has been challenging me in. I want to become more of a “risk” taker. Not over stupid things…not endangering my life or the lives of others. I want to be willing to “launch out into the deep”, take some risks in my faith…not for my own advancement, but for the advancement of His Kingdom!

Be willing to risk!


the foundation is just the beginning
