Team Elements (Part Two) - Make Room

I remember going through a growth spurt as a young teenager. I couldn't wait to finally be in the taller than 5 foot height range. It was finally happening!As I grew taller I noticed that my shoes often began to feel tight. Once where there was space, I was now cramming my feet into an uncomfortable and restrictive space. It wasn't my shoes fault...or my feet for that matter. The issue was a lack of room.I wonder if the people who serve on our leadership teams have ever felt the same.Have you made room for the people on your leadership team to grow and develop?If we are not intentional it can become easy to have an environment where people feel stuck and restricted. There is only so much "space" for them. We might tell ourselves, "If they don't fit, it is probably time for them to move on." How are you MAKING ROOM for people on your team?If I am going to make room for people around me it will require a few things.EMPOWERAs a leader, I have to empower the people on my team to act. If I don't do this the only room they have is to accomplish tasks. Sometimes we are good at empowering people to DO, but not great at empowering people to LEAD. The people on our teams need room for both. It is vital that we find ways to equip and empower people so they can help the team go beyond where it currently is. To ask people to be a part of a "leadership team" where they are never given the authority to actually lead will leave people feeling like there is a lack of room for them. We have to be willing to empower.RELEASEI have to give people opportunities to carry something BIGGER than they currently are. Chances are good that there are people on your team that can carry more than what they currently are carrying. What have you released? As the leader, if I am carrying everything I am restricting the capacity of those on my team. When I release, I can't just give away things that I don't want. If I really want to make room for others, I need to think about what will cause them the greatest opportunity for growth and development in their lives. What are some ways that you are MAKING ROOM on your team?


Self Leadership


Team Elements (Part One) - Make It Clear