Team Elements (Part One) - Make It Clear

"It is going to take more than just you."It was one thing to hear that as a leader, it was another thing to do something with that idea. As a youth pastor I quickly learned that I couldn't do it alone. I needed a team. If this thing called youth ministry was going to be successful and go beyond what I was capable of, it was going to require the involvement of others.At times I am amazed that people were willing to come along side of us and follow where we felt like God was calling us to go. Teams are so vital. Together we can accomplish more, go further, go faster and see big dreams accomplished.

We truly are better together.

What type of leadership team do you want around you?One element that is vital to any team that works together is ESTABLISHING CLARITY. As the leader, we have to make it clear.The WHYBring clarity on WHY you have a team. Without this, it is hard to recruit and keep people motivated on a team. If they can't see WHY their leadership and time investment is vital they might not stick around. As leaders we have to define WHY this team is important. We have to build that culture. When we have the WHY of our leadership team, it will bring greater clarity to the WHAT of our leadership team.The WHATClarify WHAT you want people on the team to do. As a leader it is our responsibility to bring this clarity. I have found that people don't find clarity on a team on their own. Imagine a bunch of high school students showing up to play organized football without a coach. Odds are they wont make it too far in the season because there is not a coach bringing clarity to WHAT each player should be doing and how that relates to what the team is trying to accomplish.MAKE IT CLEAR.


Team Elements (Part Two) - Make Room


Who are you tied in with?