Stop Serving Leftovers

I'm not a fan of leftovers.I know people who LOVE them. Me...not so much. Maybe Thanksgiving is one time where I feel like it makes sense. Call me picky. Call me a food snob. I'm just really not into the idea of trying to make a main meal out of something that was scraped off of a plate then reheated.I'm not a fan of giving leftovers.I'm not a fan of feeling like I'm giving leftovers to the people that I love most. Whether we like to admit it or not, there are times that we probably offer our families our leftovers. We have used the best of our focus, time and energy towards work, recreation or ourselves. The we try and scrap together and reheat something for them.If I'm offered the decision between something that is fresh baked and some leftovers, I'm going with FRESH every time. If you were to ask my kids or my wife, I bet they would say the same when it comes to what they get from me.Here are some thoughts that I am working on in my own life to stop serving leftovers:1) Save energy for home.There are days that can become so busy that we spend everything we have. When you arrive home, you may feel like you don't have much left to give. Save some energy for home. Be fresh, happy and excited when you walk through the door!2) Be excited about what they are excited about.When I show interest in what my family is interested in, it lets them know that I am there and they are getting my attention. Spiderman isn't my favorite thing in the world, but to my 6 and 4 year old sons it is! So when I get home tonight, I plan on being as excited about him as they are.3) Make memories.Every now and then I will ask myself the question, "What memories will my kids have of their childhood?" I would love to think that they will look back with joy over all the fun moments and memories that we have made as a family. I would be crushed if their memories went something like this...He was stressed a lot.He was always tired...and cranky.He was really good at doing things on his phone.He never took time or interest in what was important to me.Not the memories I want to create. That means that I need to be intentional at creating OTHER memories for them. That is why this year we have gone to Snowflake Lane twice. Next week we will load the car, stop at Starbucks for hot chocolate, put on Christmas music and drive around and look at Christmas lights. Why? I want to make memories, not just give leftovers.Maybe you feel like you are not doing great in this area. Guess what? You have a fresh opportunity TODAY. Maybe you feel like you are doing great. Keep it going!Our first ministry is always at home. Give them what they deserve and what they desire: the best of you...not the leftovers.


INCREASE | Youth Pastors and Leaders Summit


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