Remind Yourself

From time to time we just need a good reminder.Our son Justus has been learning to ride his bike and recently got a new Cars bike for his birthday complete with training wheels. He loves it! The only challenge is that he is still growing into the bike, and his legs are not strong enough at times to make it up some hills.Last night while our family was out on a walk, we came encountered some hills. Justus froze. He couldn't go any further. He had given it all that he had.I thought he had given up. I figured he would just jump off the bike and walk it up the hill...Nope.He yelled with determination, "COME ON LEGS! WORK! YOU CAN DO IT!"What a great lesson to learn from a 4 year old!  I was impressed. How may times have I given up on something just because the task at hand seemed difficult? How many times have I been tempted to call it quits just because it feels like I have given everything I have and it doesn't seem to be working?There are times that we need to simply remind ourselves to keep going. Times where we must push through the pain and find a new gear in the midst of the challenge.


NW Youth Conf Promos


A New Season