Numbness vs. Feeling

Every now and then I will fall asleep on my arm (Don't act like you have never done that).  Eventually when I wake up and go to move my hand it is completely numb.  I can't feel a thing.  It doesn't move or react like it is supposed to.  It feels cold and lifeless.In Luke 10:30-37 we read a story about two men who were numb and one man who had feeling.All three men saw the exact same thing.  All three men had the same capacity.  All three men could have been a solution to the problem in front of them.  The difference was two men were NUMB to the realities, one man FELT compassion.Maybe you know the story of the Good Samaritan inside and out.  Maybe you were the kid who helped illustrate it on the flannelgraph in Sunday school.The shock in the story as Jesus told it to his audience is the fact that those who you would EXPECT to help, didn't.  And the least likely to jump in and make a difference did.Consider what the NUMBNESS could have been for the first two men:They didn't want to be contaminated, which would keep them from preforming their religious duties.They didn't have the time.That job belonged to someone else.The man looked too far gone, what is the point in trying to help.The man probably did something to deserve this.They had more important "ministries" to take care of.This is a busy road, someone else will stop and help eventually.When you get down to it, the reason these men were unwilling to help, act or respond was that they were numb.  They were numb to this mans need.  They were numb to HIS condition and to THEIR own condition.  They were numb to what their true religious responsibilities were.Then we read about another man."Then a despised Samaritan came along and when he saw the man, he FELT COMPASSION for him." (Luke 10:33)This man, who would be the least likely to help, saw the exact same thing that the others saw.  Yet he FELT compassion for him.  He wasn't numb.  He knew he had the capacity to make a difference.  He didn't pass it off as the responsibility of someone else.  He didn't justify is own lack of action because of why this man might be in the condition that he is in.His feeling moved him to act.  Numbness always will slow down our ability to react and respond.We can't afford to walk through life NUMB.When we see the needs around us, do we feel?  Do we move and react like we are supposed to?  Are we cold and lifeless?  Are we NUMB?I'm thankful that I serve a God who is not numb or unaware of my needs.  Let's be people who are not numb and unaware of the needs of those in our city, in our church, in our family, on our campus, at our job or in our world.


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