Not a great accessory

So today there was this little game on TV called the Super Bowl.  Every year millions of people tune in to watch the top two teams in the NFL compete for that top place.  It has become an increasingly fun experience with the additions over the past few years of Facebook and Twitter…listening to people all across America and around the world talk smack, joke around, let their emotion fly, and put in their two cents on the festivities.

There was one thing that struck me this year: negativity.  Trust me, I am all about having fun, I just don’t think negativity is a great accessory in life.  It is easy for me to see things things that are “wrong” from the comfort of my chair in front of my TV and freely give my opinion via social media.

Carl Lentz, Pastor of Hillsong NY said this via Twitter following the game:

“superbowl wrap up: Rodgers is amazing. Steelers played hard. Too many people who R average at what THEY DO, made fun of the black eyed peas!”

I’ll be honest.  That is great perspective.

There were a lot of things that could have been different.  There were a lot of things that definitely could have been better!  But not everything has to be a critique.

Laugh! Joke! Smile! Enjoy! Share opinions and input - but don’t allow negativity to become a part of the primary mode of communication in your life!

So often we are quick to see all the miscues, pour sound mixing, missed words, lame commercials, etc.  I will be the first to admit that I am not lacking in the opinion department.  But I am realizing that not every feeling/thought/emotion/critique/etc. needs to be verbalized or aired.  Here is why…

I don’t want (nor do I need) negativity to be an accessory in my life.  I don’t ever want to come across to my family, friends or even casual acquaintances that I am “negative”.  It just doesn’t look good…on anyone.

Opinions: I got ‘em.

Critiques: Guilty.

Thoughts about things that I see: You bet.


Living with a critical point of view: No thanks. 

Harsh and cynical: I’ll pass. 

Negative: Not an accessory that I want attached to my life.


ONE: Heart & Purpose


Justus Update