Justus Update


Thanks again for the prayer, messages, texts, etc.! The doctor just came in a few minutes ago to check on Justus. He is making good progress (eating, talking, riding in a wagon, etc.). They are watching him at least through dinner tonight because they want to see him be able to stand/walk without pain (been in a lot of pain since last night). He will be seeing a seizure specialist at Childrens sometime next week.

Here is the complete back story for those who are unaware of the events of the past few days. 

I was preaching at a winter camp for another church.  I was near Tillamook, OR when I got a call from Amber saying that they had gone to check on Justus Sunday morning and he was not responsive and having seizures.  They called the ambulance and took him to the hospital in Wenatchee (where Amber was with her parents and the kids while I was preaching).  His seizure lasted for over a half hour.  Justus spent most of the day unresponsive at the hospital.

I caught a flight from Portland to SeaTac (thankful that Josh Taylor, one of our interns was with me to drive me!) where my parents met me at the airport and took me to Wenatchee.  Shortly after I landed in Seattle I talked with Amber and Justus had finally woken up and asked for juice! That was a great sign!  They did quite a few test to be sure to rule things out (CT scan, chest x-ray, spinal tap, blood work, etc.)  The test results have returned with good reports!  We are thankful for a strength that comes from Jesus - even when circumstances seem out of our control.  He is faithful to give peace that goes beyond our understanding (Philippians 4:7)!

Justus was in a lot of pain last night and it continues through today.  We are not sure if it is from the spinal tap, but we are believing God to bring complete healing!  The doctors are keeping an eye on him today, at least until dinner and then they will decide if we will go home today.  Because of his seizure we will be going to Childrens Hospital next week to go see a specialist about seizures.  Most major concerns have been ruled out!

Another good sign: Faith (our six month old daughter) just spit up on her Papa Bentz and Justus was laughing about that! He has a great sense of humor!

Again, Amber and I - and our whole family - are so thankful for the prayer support of our church, pastors, friends and family members.  We are blessed and so thankful for the Faithfulness of the God we serve!

Tyler and Amber


Not a great accessory
