Living with a Good Report in a world full of challenges

Good ReportLife isn't always easy.I know that is shocking to hear, and probably the understatement of the year. Many times, the way I respond to challenges seems like there is a belief system at work within me that says everything should come to me perfect and easy the first time.Have you ever felt like you deserved no challenges? No obstacles? No speed bumps, red lights or yield signs? The longer I live life the more I am becoming aware that it doesn't work like this.This poses a problem when it comes to facing challenges. Why? Because it isn't a question of if, but WHEN and HOW we will face challenges in life.Ultimately, it isn't just about WHAT the challenge or the obstacle is that I see, it is HOW I choose to see it.In Numbers 13, God told Moses to send twelve men to scout out the land of Canaan, "the land I am giving to the Israelites."  They saw the same views, the same cities, the same blessings AND the same CHALLENGES. After their 40 day journey, the men return to give people their report. Along with their verbal report of the goodness of the land, they also brought some fruit from the Promise Land. But then there is a shift. The focus turns from what God said He was providing, to the impossibility of accomplishing the task of taking the land because of the challenge of who lived in the land. "We can't go up against them! They are stronger than we are. So they spread this bad report about the land among the Israelites..." (v. 31-32)Even though Caleb had tried to silence the bad report and get people refocused on what God had said, the bad report was contagious, people's faith gave way to fear and they rebelled against God.Here is the point: Negativity is contagious...But so is faith![quote align="center" color="#999999"]Negativity is contagious...But so is faith![/quote]So how do we grow to be people like Caleb, who lived with a "Good Report"?Before you write this off as an unrealistic, idealistic approach to live that ignores realities and challenges, let me encourage you with a simple truth: Faith doesn't deny current realities, it simply chooses to see those realities through the lens of God's ability.[quote align="center" color="#999999"]Faith doesn't deny current realities, it simply chooses to see those realities through the lens of God's ability.[/quote]This is what the other spies, and ultimately the people lost sight of. Were there going to be challenges? YES. But, had God already promised that He was going to give them the land? YES. Here are 4 Lessons about living with a Good Report from Numbers 13:Don't just focus on what WAS or IS, focus on what CAN BE through God's abilities.The people lost sight of what could be, not because of their abilities, but because of God's abilities and His promises. We get in to trouble when we allow our focus to get consumed so much by what was, or what is, that it paralyzes us from moving forward to embrace what CAN BE with God. Don't forget the fruit.The people missed the blessing that was right in front of them. They had carried some fruit out of the land to show the people its goodness. But just like them, we can allow ourselves to shift from faith to fear, even while the cluster of grapes is right in front of us. You want to live with a Good Report? Remember the fruit! Keep in step with God's will.God had already promised the land. The people simply had to trust and obey. Easier said than done. How many times have we been guilty of living with a bad report, simply because we have overlooked the powerful truth of God's will that He has already revealed in scripture? If you know what He is asking you to do, keep in step with it. You can't, but God can!At face value, this may seem like this is bad news. Some may ask, what do you mean "I can't?!?" Here is what I mean: God isn't asking you to be the hero of this story. He is the hero. He is the One whose abilities continue to go forward after our abilities have come to an end. You may be up against a situation that looks impossible. And it might be for you. But NOTHING is impossible for God! Let your faith be contagious. In the midst of the challenges we face, lets make the choice to be people who spread a GOOD REPORT! 


A reminder...


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