A reminder...

a reminderEach week I spend time early on Wednesday morning with a group of men studying scripture and praying together. This time is always life giving to me. I had a fresh reminder as we were wrapping up the book of Titus and talking about Paul - a man who was once wrapped up in zeal for his religion, who now continuously and relentlessly pointed people to the grace and mercy of Jesus.What brings about that kind of CHANGE in a person?Here was the reminder:PAUL MET JESUS, NOT RELIGION. Simple.True.Life altering.[quote align="center" color="#999999"]PAUL MET JESUS, NOT RELIGION. [/quote]We must continually remind ourselves (for those who are Jesus people) that we have met a PERSON, not a RELIGION. Paul's entire world was flipped upside down, not because he encountered a new teaching, a new code to live by or even a way to "better" his life experience.No. He was changed because he encountered and met a PERSON named JESUS. The Person who is fully grace and fully truth. The Person who provided rescue, redemption and reconciliation to the world.That encounter is available for you and I each and every day.


What If?


Living with a Good Report in a world full of challenges