Is it time for a NEW PERSPECTIVE?

new perspective Perspective is powerful.A few weeks back Amber and I took our kids to the Tacoma Rainier's game, the minor league baseball team in our city. We had dinner right before we headed out to the game. It wasn't more than 5 minutes later that our son Justus started to complain that he was both HUNGRY and THIRSTY. In fact, he began to claim that he was "dehydrated". I reminded him that I had just watched him drink multiple cups of water with dinner, and he may be thirsty, but he was definitely NOT dehydrated. His perspective was powerful in shaping what he felt was his reality.In so much of life and leadership, it isn't just WHAT we see, but HOW we choose to see it. As the old saying goes, YOUR PERSPECTIVE BECOMES YOUR REALITY.[quote align="center" color="#999999"]It isn't just WHAT we see, but HOW we choose to see it.[/quote]A few weeks back I went on a hike with my friends. As we headed up Mt. Rainier that day I was amazed at how different the mountain looked compared to the vantage point that I often see it from when I am in Tacoma. Why had I never noticed that? Why does this look so different? How many people will never be able to experience this?Then it hit me.To get a new perspective, a climb is usually required.[quote align="center" color="#999999"]To get a new perspective, a climb is usually required.[/quote]A perspective is simply a point of view. Too often in life or leadership, we want to gain new perspective, but we are unwilling to make the climb necessary to achieve it. There was no elevators or escalators on Mt. Rainier. Trust me, they don't exist. The same is true when it comes to gaining new perspective about the things that we face in life. More than likely, a climb is going to be required.Are you in a challenging season right now? Don't just stop at the level of what you see. Take time to consider how you are looking at it. Do you need to climb to get a new vantage point?Is everything smooth sailing, but you can feel yourself drifting to protect the status-quo? You know you don't want to slip into maintenance mode, but you know that is where things are headed unless you get some new perspective? The climb is worth it. Get a new perspective.I love the reminder that we are given in Colossians 3:1-2,

Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand. Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth.

For those of us who are Jesus followers, our perspective is shaped by more than just what is here in front of us. We are called to "set our sights", to live with a different perspective. We don't just set our sights on our circumstances, we set them on Jesus - the One who is ruler and Lord over all the circumstances that we face.Is it time for a new perspective? ______________________I'd love to hear from you! What are some of the ways that you have found new perspective in life and leadership that would be helpful for others to know or understand?Feel free to add thoughts and comments in the section below.


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