HEY LIFE CENTER RAINIER: 3 Things I want you to know

Hey LC RainierHey Life Center Rainier!Here are 3 Things I want you to know.

ONE: This weekend is FRIENDS WEEKEND at LC Rainier!

Over the past few weekends at LC Rainier we have been talking about our upcoming FRIENDS WEEKEND. What is it? It is simply an opportunity to ASK and INVITE friends, neighbors and acquaintances to join you for a special weekend gathering. To be honest, every weekend is friends weekend. But we wanted to help create opportunities for those who are new to engaging their faith in community. It is a chance for all of us to simply ASK and INVITE. This coming Saturday and Sunday we will have a fun and unique weekend gathering planned. We will have some fun video elements in the message and free snow cones following all of the weekend gatherings (NOW WHO DOESN'T LOVE FREE SNOW CONES!?).We all have to start somewhere in engaging our faith and loving our neighbors, our community and our city. My prayer is that this would help mobilize us to live on mission 365 days a year, because when we live on mission with Jesus - every day is FRIENDS DAY! 

TWO: We have A LOT to celebrate!

It is hard to believe that it has been 11 weeks since we have become Life Center Rainier! It has been so fun to watch all that Jesus is doing IN and THROUGH His people. Every week we are seeing new friends from our community get connected, people making the decision to follow Jesus and stories of lives being transformed and built up. We had a phenomenal Easter Weekend which lead into 32 people being baptized in water the weekend following Easter! Even though we are not at the destination - it is vital that we celebrate along the journey

THREE: The staff of Life Center Rainier LOVES YOU and is here to SERVE YOU.

The leadership team loves our people. This doesn't stop with just those who come in the four walls of our building on a weekend or during the week. We consider the people of this city 'our people'. We are here to LOVE and SERVE. Our mission doesn't stop when a weekend gathering is over - it actually is just beginning. This staff prays for you. This staff is honored to come alongside of you. We are here to SERVE YOU and SERVE WITH YOU. It is an honor to be your Pastor.Your friend,Tyler


Is it time for a NEW PERSPECTIVE?


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