God with us

Christmas time is here.I'm looking forward to the coming days, gathering with family and friends. Each year the fun factor increases as my kids get older. They have moved passed just enjoying the wrapping paper or the box. They value the gifts now. I enjoy their joy.One of the greatest truths of this season is that we are reminded of how great the love of God is towards us. From the manger we see the great lengths that God was willing to go through to rescue His people. Without Jesus' supernatural birth, there is no sacrificial death on The Cross. There is no freedom from our sin.In the Christmas season I find myself thinking often about Matthew 1:21-23:

And she will have a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”22 All of this occurred to fulfill the Lord’s message through his prophet:23 “Look! The virgin will conceive a child!She will give birth to a son,and they will call him Immanuel,       which means ‘God is with us.’ ”

These words show us that the presence of God is with His people in a new way! What is amazing to me is that this was His idea. He saw our condition and our inability to make relationship with Him happen. So He came as Immanuel, choosing to be WITH US.I have a reason to rejoice. Why?Since God is with me... I'm not alone. I'm not distant. I'm not trying to somehow gain love or favor; I have it. I have His presence with me.I don't have to fear the end of the world today.I can have a joy that isn't based in my circumstances, but His presence.I have a living relationship.I have truth that holds me tighter than my emotions, feelings or challenges.What a gift!We celebrate the birth of Jesus because of what that has brought to us and what it communicates about the God that we serve. Don't settle for just enjoying the wrapping or the box. Value and enjoy the gift that is inside. I believe God enjoys our joy! This Christmas don't be guilty of doing some "Christmasy" things without valuing the true gift that God has given. You are not alone. Jesus is Immanuel!He is with us!


4 Perspectives for 2013


Worth the mess