Get Back Up

It's a new year. Many people have taken time in the first few days of 2013 to think about what this year will hold. For some, they have a hard time grabbing a hold of what is ahead because they are plagued by what is behind them. Maybe last year wasn't everything you thought it would be, should be or could be. It might have been a year full of disappointment, unforeseen challenge and relentless obstacles. Maybe you stepped out with big faith and it didn't seem to work.Here is the simple encouragement for you today: GET BACK UP.

The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again. But one disaster is enough to overthrow the wicked.Proverbs 24:16

Whatever is behind you doesn't have to define what is ahead. Get back up. John Maxwell in his book 'Failing Forward' talks about the fact that we will make mistakes and fall. The key is to learn from them, get back up and move forward.Jesus continually reached out to where people were. People who were in the most broken condition found new hope and new life when they met Jesus. That is the beauty of God's grace and mercy. They are fresh for you everyday. That is what gives the 'godly' the ability to get back up, even when they fall!Failure isn't fatal. Just because it didn't work last time doesn't mean it wont work this time. Keep stepping out with bold faith! Don't live life looking in the rear view mirror. GET BACK UP!


Plan, Prepare, Build


4 Perspectives for 2013