Feel free to be you

I was fresh out of college and excited to start full time in youth ministry. After years of study and serving it was time for me to take another step into what I knew God had created me to do. I wanted to do good. I wanted to serve God and people well. I wanted to reach students. And I knew I needed help getting there.So I got some courage pulled together to set up a meeting with someone who had been an influence on me from a distance. At that time, Pastor Jude Fouquier was the youth pastor at The City Church. I couldn't wait to pick his brain on how he was doing what he was doing.There were a lot of incredible insights given that day, but one thing that he said to me has stuck with me continually. He said, "The anointing is on the REAL you..."I love that! God made you YOU for a reason.No one else has your finger prints.No one else has your exact DNA code.No one else was hand selected and knit together by God to be you.You are the only one who can be you, so feel the freedom to be YOU.Be influenced by others. Be teachable. Allow leaders and mentors to help shape and mentor you. Become better by surrounding yourself with the right people. Let the Word of God transform and form who you are in Christ. And with all of that...feel free to be you.God made you who you are for a reason.Feel free to be you.


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