Baptism & FAQ | Sunday Rewind

Sunday Rewind

This Sunday at Life Center Baker we launched into a new series "FAQ". We are taking the next few weeks to look at asking and answering the BIG questions. There is importance in the questions we ASK and the answers that we BELIEVE.

In addition to talking about these questions on Sunday, we are encouraging people to grab one of the FAQ books and get a group of people together and talk about it each week. There is something important that happens when we meet together, learn, grow, process, pray and talk about Jesus!

This week we talked about the question: "Why would a loving God send people to hell?"

(you can listen to the message HERE)

In addition to the kickoff of this new teaching series, we also did water baptisms - allowing people to publicly declare their decision to put their faith in and follow Jesus.

We had nine individuals get baptized - five of whom made the decision to follow Jesus last week on Easter Sunday!


One of those who was baptized was my oldest son, Judah. It was an incredible Sunday!


Tending to the inner life

