8 Recommended Reads

I love the question, "What books are you reading?"Here are a few that I have read over recent months that I would recommend.

Sifted by Wayne Cordeiro, Larry Osborne & Francis Chan

I think this is a book that every leader should read. The voices of these men breathe insight and perspective as they talk about heart work, home work and hard work that comes along with pastoral ministry. 

The Advantage by Patrick Lencioni

Lencioni is a well known name within leadership writing. In The Advantage he talks about the organizational health. This is a great read for anyone in a leadership position.

One Way Love by Tullian Tchividjian

Pastor Tullian is a favorite of mine. This is a great read on grace and how the love of God for His people is 'one way'. If you are looking for a gospel centered book about the love of God toward you, this is a great read!      

The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller

 If you are married or someday want to be, this is a great book. Keller and his wife talk about what marriage is according to the bible. It has great insights for singles and for married couples. 

Dangerous Calling by Paul David Tripp

I am a fan of Paul Tripp. Not just because his incredible fashion sense or his mustache. I appreciate how gospel centered, transparent and encouraging he is as an author and communicator. I enjoyed the perspectives that Paul brought in this book about the unique challenges that come along with pastoral ministry. 

Exponential by Dave Ferguson & Jon Ferguson

There are some principles and thoughts in this book that are beneficial for every pastor and leader, not just church planters. This is one of those books that I wish I could have read and implemented some of these principles in my first few years of youth ministry. 

The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones

Yes, this is an illustrated kids bible. And yes, I have read completely through it with my kids. Here is what I love about this bible - it points everything to Jesus! Not only is it a great resource for our family devotions, it has been a great resource for me in seeing the continual theme of Jesus being the Rescuer throughout ALL of the bible. 

Next Generation Leader by Andy Stanley

This is a leadership must. If you haven't yet read it, you need to. If you have, but its been a long time - read it again! He talks about key areas of leadership (competence, courage, clarity, coaching and character) and how to develop and implement them.  

 Now I want to hear from you! What are some books that you have been reading that you would recommend?


4 Reasons I'm Excited for #NWyouthconf 2014


Update: Treatment for Amber's Voice