5 Lessons from Pastor Steve

pastor steveEach of us are products of the investments that have been made into our lives by other individuals and experiences.One of those people in my life who has played an incredibly huge role in who I am today as a Christ follower, husband, dad, pastor and leader is Pastor Steve Jamison. Amber and I had the joy of working on staff with he and Cheryl at Eastridge Church for a little over 10 years. There are many things that are added to your life when you share that amount of time with someone.Today is his birthday, and I want to honor him as my friend, my pastor and one of my spiritual dads.Here are 5 (of the many) lessons that I have learned from working with and being around Pastor Steve:

1. Dream Big & Hold On

There were many seasons as a young pastor that I got to have a front row seat in looking at a leader who was willing to dream a BIG dream and not let go. This isn't just something that Pastor Steve would talk about - it was something that he lived out. My understanding of what God was able to accomplish continued to be stretched beyond what I thought was possible.I clearly remember telling him at one point in a building project that our church was in, that if I was in his shoes I would have been curled up in a corner in the fetal position, sucking my thumb! He laughed and reminded me that as we walk through challenges in life and leadership, God uses those moments to increase our capacity. No matter what the circumstances were, he relentlessly held on to what God had given him vision for. That type of vision and endurance leaves a mark on you. 

2. Excellence is in the details

This was a phrase that I heard more than one time during my years serving with Pastor Steve. He reminded our team consistently that what we did mattered. The details matter. How we handled conversations and resources mattered. What sets average and excellence apart? It's the details. 

3. Faith does move mountains

There were different moments that I saw tangibly the difference that faith makes. There were multiple times where as a church, specifically in our building project, where we would hit a roadblock and a challenge. And being the "big" man of faith I am I would think things like, "Well...it was fun while it lasted..." Then our Pastor would call us to pray. He would challenge us to not give up and throw in the towel, but to stand with faith and watch what God would do.The result? God made a way even when there seemed to be no way. I am so thankful to have served with a Pastor who was willing to not just talk about a distant idea of faith, but one who was willing to live it daily. 

4. Be present

Every month, I would get the opportunity to serve as the pastor on call. When emergencies would hit and families were in crisis moments, we would get a phone call and walk with them. One of my first weeks on staff after graduating from college I had a chance to go with Pastor Steve to visit someone at Overlake Hospital and pray with them. I remember him talking to me about the importance of the ministry of presence. I grew to value the moments that I had to show up and be present with people.I can think of different moments in Amber and my life where we got to experience the benefit of that ministry. Pastor Steve and Cheryl showing up at the hospital when our kids were born. Stopping by their house for prayer when some challenging circumstances were going on with extended family. Being present in peoples lives is something both he and Cheryl have modeled. 

5. You can't expect what you don't express

There were so many incredible leadership truths that I have gained from the influence of Pastor Steve. One of the principles that has stuck: If we don't express what we are looking for, we shouldn't expect to get it. Giving clarity in roles, assignments and delegation are areas that he taught me about. "Everything needs a name and a deadline." I am thankful to have been in environments where I was sharpened and challenged in how I lead myself and how I would lead others. Thank you Pastor Steve for believing in this young bible college kid.Thank you for loving our family and our kids.Thank you for leading with courage and clarity, and holding on!Thank you for the countless hours of prayer, sacrifice and life that you have poured into people and the church.There is not a week that goes by that I am not reminded about your investment, your leadership and your love.Thank you.


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