You'll Get What You're Looking For

Ever had one of those days that all you can see is good things?  It seems like everything is going great…in fact, it probably couldn’t get any better.  You hit all the green lights.  You find extra cash in your pocket.  Someone buys your lunch.  People stop and complement you, just because.  On those days it is hard to see anything buy good.

Ever had one of those days that all you see is frustration?  It feels like nothing is going right…in fact, it probably couldn’t get any worse?  Not only did you hit all the red lights, but you got pulled over for talking on your phone…and oh yeah, you are not wearing your seat belt either.  The gas light just came on.  You go into the grocery store, get what you need, wait in an extremely long line.  The cashier tells you the total, you reach down to get your wallet…its at home.  There was a hair in your meal at lunch.  Every interaction you have with someone leaves you feeling demoted, discouraged, and disheartened.

The fact is that life has a way of sending us some interesting circumstances.  But no matter what we are walking through in life, we have a choice.  We can see the good, or focus our attention and efforts on what is not good.

Proverbs 11:27 says,

“If you search for good, you will find favor; but if you search for evil, it will find you.” 

Obviously, most of us don’t rush out to search for evil.  But many of us can get caught living in a pattern in life where we focus on what is NOT good.  Something goes wrong and it begins to taint our whole perspective for the hour, the day, the week the month, the year…some people have allowed a lifetime to be tainted.

If you search for good, on the other hand, you can tend to find it.  Sometimes it might feel like you have to look extra hard, but keep looking.  If you look hard enough for something good you will always find it.  If you look for a problem, something to get frustrated over, areas where someone or something has let you down…don’t worry…it will find you.

In a world that is bombarded by the negative, lets be people who seek out the good and live in that blessing.  You’ll get what you’re looking for.


Legacy or Influence?
