Watch Me!

Yesterday was Labor Day.  I love being home with the family, hanging out and having fun!  Our oldest son, Judah has a new passion.  It is a video game on the Wii where you are racing a cow, jumping hurdles and running over scarecrows (very realistic!).  He is captivated by this game.  He loves it!  And even though he is having fun playing the game, I have as much fun watching him playing it (he is 3 after all).

As he was playing yesterday I noticed something.  Every time he would start a new game he would yell “watch me daddy!”  As the race began he would look over my direction to make sure I was paying attention to what he was doing.  “Are you watching?!?”

It is amazing how important it was to him that I was paying attention to what he was doing.

Just like I took pleasure in watching Judah, God takes pleasure in our lives.  He is in to you.  Sometimes we battle with whether or not He is interested, if He cares, if He loves… But if you understand His Grace and His Love, you KNOW that He does.  We are His kids.  He doesn’t just pay attention to you when you are at church or doing “churchy” things.  He is watching you.

Some of us might hear that He is watching us and we get afraid.  We tell ourselves things like, “He is just waiting for me to mess up or fall short.”  Those are thoughts that are motivated by fear.  Here are two verses you need to listen to:

Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love. 1 John 4:18 (NLT)

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.  2 Timothy 1:7 (NLT)

You never need to wonder whether or not God is watching over your life.  Live with that understanding.  His perfect love casts out all fear.  Enjoy the fact that He watches you and loves it!



There is a great event coming up September 18 and 19 at Eastridge Church: 3 on 3 basketball tournament, pro skateboard and bmx demonstrations, NBA pro athletes, bands, food and a lot more.check out for more info