Three Things I am Learning

Never stop learning.

A good life goal for all of us. Whether you are young or old, or are new to leadership or decades in, it is important to keep learning. As I continue to grow in life, I realize learning takes on a lot of forms for me: reading, studying, being with and around other leaders, and listening.

One area that is vital in our learning that we don’t always give priority to is thinking and reflecting.

When we slow down to reflect and think, it is amazing what we can begin to see. The current of distraction and busyness are a constant onslaught against the margin to do this — but I believe it is vital.

When was the last time you slowed to consider: WHAT AM I LEARNING RIGHT NOW?

It is an important question for all of us to consider. It causes us to face our own growth (or the lack thereof). It causes us to look for connections between things we are reading and listening to and how they are (or are not) being embedded in our lives.

Learning should not about simply adding more information to our lives. Learning should help us grow and change as people. There is no lack of information in our world — and all of us can fill up our heads and hearts with useless information we have “learned”. That isn’t the learning that I am getting at.

What are you learning that is leaving a mark on the person you are becoming?

Here are three things that I am learning (and re-learning):

The power of consistent rhythms and priorities.

All of us have a set of priorities that we live by, whether they are stated or unstated. In November I was struck with this thought: If I only do what is comfortable I will never experience what I’m capable of.

John Maxwell recently said, “Consistency compounds.” He is right. I can see it in my life. I see it in the lives of people who dig in and keep showing up, even when it isn’t easy or convenient. If you want to see growth in an area of your life, what are the rhythms and priorities you can set into motion to be consistent with?

The resilience of the Church.

I live in and lead a church in one of the most unchurched regions of America (there have been a number of recent articles written on this). Over the past few years, many people have fled the coastal areas of the US for a variety of reasons, many of whom are Christians. I remember a conversation last year with someone while I was traveling. When they heard where I was from and where I was pastoring they made a comment about me “living in” a certain Old Testament biblical city that was not high on God’s list. My response: our city needs salt and light…how will that happen if all the Christian’s leave?

The Church hasn’t always done everything right. We continue to see headlines and stories where the failure of church leaders can cause a cynicism in our hearts and minds. Some have given up on the church all together. This makes me sad, not just as a pastor, but as a follower of Jesus.

The last number of years have been crazy, to say the least. Life Center has walk through some challenging moments. But here is what I continue to see and learn: the Body of Christ is resilient. No matter if it is pain or pandemic — Jesus knows how to lead and care for His Church. Yes — it is HIS Church.

I see its resilience. I see it in the amount of people being baptized in water. I see it in the tangible hunger for the Scriptures and to experience God’s presence. I see it in the way the church continues to show up in generosity in their living and giving. Jesus hasn’t given up on it — neither should we.

The reminder to not give up on people.

Every human is in process. Myself included. Even though I know this to be true, I am often guilty of not wanting to extend the same grace that I am a recipient of. We often want others to give us some grace and hope that they know we are in progress, and not yet a finished work. It is so easy to not apply that same thought toward others. But I continue to see stories of transformation that remind me: God didn’t give up on them…and I shouldn’t either.

Those are a few of the things that I am learning.

What about you? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below!




A Leadership Thought