This Simple Thing Could Change Everything in How You Read Your Bible

I still remember the first “real” Bible I received. I had graduated from my kids Bible with the pictures, and received what I considered the coolest Bible in existence…complete with a fancy cover and carrying case (I wonder if those will ever make a comeback?). It was the 1990’s Teen Study Bible.

I was so excited and I couldn’t wait to dive into it.

But then, the expectation and excitement quickly met reality for me. Even though I was reading it - I didn’t really get it. I was reading the words. I was hearing the stories. But I was confused by how others were so “impacted” and “transformed” by reading their bibles, and I wasn’t having the same experience.

My guess is you may have found yourself in similar places at different times.

Followers of Jesus often approach reading their Bible out of discipline or duty. Maybe we have heard or we know…

  • It is the right thing to do

  • I am supposed to do this

  • It is good for me, my soul and my walk with Jesus

  • I’m supposed to have “daily devotions”

  • Etc. etc. etc.

But why is there a disconnect that all of us feel from time to time — myself included?

(Prepare yourself for a long, run-on sentence/question…)

Why is it that we can read from what is not only a sacred historic writing, but God’s authoritative and infallible revelation and communication to humanity (about who He is, His purpose and plan, how He desires to be worshiped, our need for rescue and redemption, His provision for our need through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, and what this means for us) — and walk away knowing we read words or stories or principles, and not be transformed, impacted, or seeing the significance about how this matters in our day to day living?

The other day, as I was reading in Psalms, something hit me.

It was a moment of clarity.

I found myself saying and sensing: THAT’S IT!

Open my eyes so that

I may contemplate

wondrous things from your instruction.”

Psalm 119:18 (CSB)

As I read these words, a small, but important lightbulb came on that was helpful for me, and I pray is helpful for you.

Two transformative practices:


We don’t just read the Bible for information. We also read the Bible to encounter God. We need open eyes for this. Have you ever finished reading your Bible, only to realize that you don’t remember anything you just read? You read it, but you don’t remember anything? Here is the challenge: we used our eyes, but our eyes were not open. When we ask God to open our eyes it draws us into a place where we expect that He wants to show us something and that we want to see and receive what He is going to reveal.


Another important ingredient that, if missed, creates a disconnect: a lack of reflection and contemplation. The Psalmist asked not only for open eyes, but open eyes for a purpose: to contemplate the wondrous things from God’s Word. Creating space to pause, reflect, consider, ponder, and meditate on is vital to encountering God as we read His Word.

Jesus doesn’t just want to give you information. He wants you to experience Him!

So for those who have maybe grown discouraged in reading Scripture, or even bored with it — I encourage you to add these two practices and see how different that journey becomes!

If you are new to Scripture and don't know where to start, I would encourage you to grab a Bible reading plan and start following it. You can download one HERE and join with us in our Life Center One Year Bible reading.

I’d love to hear from you other ways that you have found beneficial to engage with Scripture! Share in the comments below.



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Goals are great…Decisions are better.