this is who we are

I love coming across verses in the Bible that remind us of who WE ARE. There are so many things in life that seem to tell us what we are not, can’t be, or never will become. I am so glad that God’s Word is different! One of my all time favorite verses is found in Hebrews 10

Hebrews 10:35; 39
So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded…
But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved.

Confidence is so important! Knowing who you are is a vital key to being confident in who you are and who God has designed you to be. We are reminded not to “throw off” our confidence. Ever been in that place where your confidence melts. I hate it. Why? Because I don’t act like who I really am at that point. When your confidence is lacking, you try to make up for it. I think that happens in our spiritual lives as well. We are strong and confident in who God is in us, then something happens…something gets in the way. When confidence is lost spiritually, it is hard to be the man or woman of God that He has called us to be.

I am so glad that we are reminded who WE ARE! “We are not of those who shrink back…[we are] those who believe and are saved.” That is WHO WE ARE. I am so glad that God’s Word teaches us and reminds us that through His grace and His strength that we are not people who run away in fear, but people who, through faith (believing) are able to overcome!

Today, remember this is who we are!


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