Things I will NOT do in 2010

Many people are taking time right now to think about what this next year will have in store. Goals, accomplishments, dreams…they are thinking about resolutions and how this next year will be different than the last. I have come up with a different idea today - things I am NOT resolving to do: a New Years Un-Resolution List?

Something like that.

So here it goes…things I will not do in 2010:

1. I will not back down in my faith
2. I will not miss the opportunity to bless and be a blessing to my wife and family
3. I will not allow passivity to be in my faith, leadership and life
4. I will not allow opinions of others to be a stronger voice than the voice of Jesus
5. I will not miss opportunities to laugh and enjoy life
6. I will not undervalue the opportunities to tell and show people they are loved
7. I will not live without physical exercise
8. I will not live by only wishing great things would happen and not taking action
9. I will not neglect the habits that lead to greatness
10. I will not underestimate the difference my life can make

What are the things you are aiming at for 2010? What are the things that you are determined to do, or NOT to do. The truth be told…either way you are resolving to do something! So dream, plan, make goals, and develop vision. Then get after it! Make this year the greatest year you have ever lived!

Unwrapping the Gift


Approval Addiction