The Strengths of Summer

It's clear that summer time is just around the corner.For many youth pastors and youth ministries the thought of summer can bring mixed emotions.

"Will attendance drop?""Will my leaders continue to show up?""How can we continue to reach, connect and disciple students during the summer months?"

Maybe you have asked yourself those questions. Maybe you are wrestling through others. No matter what you may feel about summer as it relates to student ministry, allow me to share a few thoughts.The LAST thing I want for students is for them to equate a break from school with a break from God (Summer Break = Break from God). That never sits well with me. I know every church and community has different values and cultures, but I see summer not as a time to wind down, but a time maximize its strengths! Here are 5 Built in Strengths that Summer provides for Youth Ministry.TIMEYour students will have more free time in the summer months than any other season of the year! What are you doing to maximize that? If you don't give them a plan, it will get filled with something. Create environments and plans where they can read the bible and connect with some leaders.RELATIONSHIPThe summer time lends itself toward relationship, especially in the Northwest where summer gives us LONGER breaks between rain. How will you be intentional this summer with building relationship with your students and staff? Plan some things just for the sake of hanging out and getting to know each other better. This investment will bring strength throughout the year.GROWTHSummer is a great time to give students new opportunities to grow in their faith. Doing a missions trip, a student summer internship or discipleship focus are a few ways to keep young people from taking a "break" from their faith during the summer months. For many of our students, they will have a summer camp experience. What are we planning on doing after that EVENT to keep them moving forward? Growth is a daily decision, so what can you put in place to help them?MOMENTUMA moving vehicle is always easier to turn. If youth ministry STOPS during the summer months, the time it takes to gain new momentum in the fall is a lot longer than if things are moving along as normal. You can continue to see growth through the summer! Plan some fun events or after parties following your youth service. If you give students a reason to show up, they probably will.FUNYouth Pastor, remember that your students need to see you enjoying life and having fun. Model for your students the reality that God loves it when His children have fun. Don't make the mistake of making fun an event. Take time this summer to show them that when you serve Jesus, life is fun! What are some ways that you have leaned in to the strength of summer in youth ministry?


The Martha Mentality


Empty Things