The power of TEAM

Teams are vital.  Very few things of significance are accomplished ALONE in life.  We all know this fact (at least most of us do), but why is it that we can often revert back to the “lone ranger” mentality - thinking we can do it by ourselves.  Or worse, thinking it is all about US.

We need a team of people around us to bring out the best IN us.

Very few people are able to bring the challenge they need to become their best simply by their own efforts.  There is a reason that even super athletes are a part of a TEAM.  Left to themselves, they wont be the best they can be.

We need a team of people around us to help us ACCOMPLISH MORE.

The greatest return on work is when multiple people are helping to lift the load.  Doing ministry, or any other simple project in life, has a limited level of effectiveness when we are doing it alone.  But when you add a team the effectiveness is multiplied.

We need a team of people around us to keep us FRESH.

Food that sits around in the same container for too long goes out of date, gets old, stale, and nasty.  If we are left to ourselves and our own creativity, ideas or goals, sometime we can be prone to growing stale.  Yet, when we are around a team of people who can stretch us in our ideas - or better yet, share their ideas to make our ideas even better - something great happens.  What could have been mediocre can turn into magnificent.  What could have been stale has the potential to turn into something superb.

It’s a bit cliche, but even Jesus had a team around him.  He had people to walk with, talk with and invest in.  My guess is that they brought encouragement His way.  My guess is that they laughed a lot together.  My guess is that if Jesus had people around him, maybe we should work hard to understand and value the importance of a team around us.

