The Poison of Potential

It is great to have potential.

It is bad when we do nothing with it.

In Mark 10:17-22 we see a man approach Jesus with all the potential in the world.  The problem was he was unwilling to allow that potential to be translated into something great.

I think we can often do the same.  We have potential in a specific area - a gift, talent, ability, calling, desire, dream…and even though there is great POTENTIAL there, we do nothing with it.

Potential is NOTHING if NOTHING is done with it!

So how does potential at times become a poison in our lives?  When it keeps us from action.  We can see where it can take us, but if we do nothing with it potential can become a poison.

Potential becomes Poison when…

I am unwilling to sacrifice

Part of potential becoming more than just potential involves sacrifice.  This is where a lot of great people, gifts and dreams get left at a point of remaining potential.  When we are unwilling to sacrifice, that potential will never move beyond what it is.

I feel I have arrived

When I feel like I have arrived, there is no need to do anything with the potential that reamains.  I feel like in my life I have nothing left to learn and no areas left to grow in.  This is poison.  None of us have arrived.  We all have potential to move beyond where we are.  Do something with it!

My comfort keeps me from caring

When we are more concerned with our comfort than caring we are in a scary place.  Think about this reality in light of the Church.  Our churches and people within the church have tremendous potential to accomplish great things.  The POTENTIAL is there.  But if our comfort keeps us from caring for the world around us, that potential is just poison in our lives.

My doubt keeps me from action

Doubt will always keep us from action.  If we continually are second guessing ourselves, our abilities, or God’s ability to lead us and use the potential that resides within us through the power of the Holy Spirit, we are in trouble.

If we just sit back and see the potential and are content with potential in our lives it will grow into a poison that keeps us from accomplishing what we are created and called to do.  Don’t allow the POTENTIAL in you to become a POISON that keeps you from action!

