The Lie of Instant

As I write this I wish my internet connection was a little faster.It took about 1 minute to download a file that I needed. If I had it my way, it would be instant. The funny thing is that last night a few friends and I were talking about internet back in the day. You remember, right? The sound of the modem dialing a number up, followed by an annoying screeching sound letting you know you were about to be connected to the information center of the world. When a picture would load it would go line by line.Then stuff got faster.And faster.Now if something doesn't happen in seconds we are frustrated.The challenge for most of us is that this need for instant doesn't stop at technology.In ministry, in leadership and in life we want INSTANT.As a kid I remember noticing the difference between real mashed potatoes and instant. You could see it, taste it and sense it. It just was not the same.The funny thing about "instant" mashed potatoes is that it still took time and preparation.In a world that is driven by instant success, it is vital for each of us to remember that true success and lasting fruit doesn't develop overnight.[quote align="center" color="#999999"]True success and lasting fruit doesn't develop overnight.[/quote]To young youth pastors and leaders reading this; give yourself time to develop and grow in ministry. It is easy to want what we see others have, not realizing that it has taken them decades of investment and sacrifice to get to where they are. Don't believe the lie of INSTANT.For others who are feeling the pressure of living beyond your means, climbing the ladder of success in the next week, or trying to have every detail of your life figured out by sundown today please remember that significance is developed over time. Even instant mashed potatoes require some prep time.Few things of significance develop over night...except for the stomach flu.


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